Language Italian English


The NPS-BIMC project is an italian research initiative focused on providing radiologists and clinicians with a new tool to better diagnose and manage SPNs.

Unluckily the english section is still under heavy development...

However you will find some useful information below.

If you need to know more or if you wish to contact us please feel free to write at mail(at) for a prompt reply.

-[!!!]----- We are at the World Congress of Thoracic Imaging in Seoul, Korea!

The Project

The NPS BIMC project (Nodulo Polmonare Solitario - Bayesian Inference Malignancy Calculator) is a research initiative based in Verona, Italy.

Aim of the study is to develop and evaluate an electronic calculator that allows us to better solid SPNs' characterization by means of bayesian analysis and modern informatics.

The Team

The NPS-BIMC team is based in beautiful Verona, Italy.

Main investigators
dott. Soardi, Gian Alberto [1]
dott. Perandini Simone [1]
dott. Motton Massimiliano [1]

dott.ssa Montemezzi Stefania [1]
dott. Menini Fabio [1]
dott. Cesaro Giulio [1]
dott. Zompatori Maurizio [2]
dott. Antonio Santo [3]
dott. Tondulli Luca [3]
dott.ssa Ortolani Silvia Jolanda [3]
dott.ssa Festi Giuliana [4]
dott. Ceron Loris [5]
dott. Zuffante Michele [6]
dott.ssa Grigolato Daniela [6]
dott. Salgarello Matteo [6]
dott. Zanco Pierluigi [6]
dott. Bortolotti Luigi [7]
dott. Magnanelli Giovanni [7]
dott.ssa Ricci Michela [7]
dott. Benato Cristiano [7]
dott. Chilosi Marco [8]
dott.ssa Gilioli Eliana [8]
dott. Bortolami Oscar [9]
TSRM Vecchietto Marco [1]
TSRM Peruzzi Andrea [1]

[1] - Reparto di Radiodiagnostica, Polo Confortini OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[2] - Dip. Cardio-Toraco-Vascolare, Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi, Bologna
[3] - Reparto di Oncologia, Polo Confortini OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[4] - Reparto di Pneumologia, Polo Confortini OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[5] - Reparto di Pneumologia, Ospedale dell'Angelo, Mestre (VE)
[6] - Reparto di Medicina Nucleare, OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[7] - Reparto di Chir. Toracica, Polo Confortini OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[8] - Reparto di Anatomia Patologica, OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona
[9] - Reparto di Statistica, OCM Borgo Trento, AOUI Verona

Materials and Methods

To date we collected more than 330 histologically proven SPNs, which makes the BIMC database one of the most consistent in Italy.

The database is still growing, and the calculator is daily tuned with adjusted results from the collected data.

BIMC Validation

Since the NPS-BIMC software was written from scratch on a proof-of-concept basis, we worked very hard to validate methods and results.

In the first place we compared results from different models from the literature, comparing Swensen (1998), Gurney (2000) and Cronin (2008) performances with our calculator's.

In a second time we stressed a statistical validation of the software, by dummy testing and code optimization.

Finally we validated results by testing subclasses of SPNs one against the other (two validation sets were randomly generated and tested against remaining SPNs) and more importantly by testing each SPN against all the others in a Round-Robin fashion.

The Software

The NPS-BIMC software is available at this link. It runs on WindowsXP or later.

Unluckily it is still Italian-only...

The software works as a SPN collector when run without a service password.

Let us know your thoughts!

We'd love to hear from you!! Really!

Ideas, comments and criticism are very welcome.

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